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» Listings for December 2015

  1. prayers at st marys front cover

    The prayers contained in this booklet are from the heart, some of them are raw with grief or sadness; some are doubtful and despairing, others bubble over with thanks and joy. All of them are offered by those who’ve wandered into the church and found it to be a safe and sacred place where they can be honest with themselves and God.

    These inspiring and moving little booklets make great gifts for others or for yourself. They're only £2 each to cover costs (but feel free to give more if you'd like). If you'd like to buy any then see Matt.

  2. A wonderful service of carols, music and readings by candlelight last night... photography hampered by the record congregation of over 500 people, so no images to show you. Standing room only after 6.55pm. Apologies if you ended up without a seat, candle or service sheet!
    Great fun was had by all at the Christingle & Nativity service on Saturday afternoon. Here are a couple of photos.
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